Call Now : (530) 820-3348


Our Fees Include

Local VIN Verifications $65
Distant VIN Verification (depending on distance) Based on mileage
Transfer title & register (out of system with title) $175 (includes VIN Verify)
Transfer title and registration – Out of state $150
Transfer title and registration – CA Title $80
Title with no supporting documents $250 (includes VIN Verify)***
Lien sale $270 (includes VIN Verify)
YOM License plates $50
Personalized license plates $50
Duplicate title no supporting docs $150
Replacement plates $25
Annual registration renewal $35
Lost or stolen sticker replacement $35
Registration card replacement $35
First class mail $3
Convenience fee 3%


** Fees are in addition to DMV fees,penalties, taxes and any outstanding citations.

*** Defective title bond fees will be applicable when title is missing.